Custom orders

adult t-shirt colour range

Our adult t-shirts are available in these colours.

If you’ve seen a design you like, but we haven’t got the item you’re after on our shop (either the colour or size) - we can make up a custom order! But these do take a bit of time - since we often need to order stock in to print, and once we have printed it - our fabric ink takes a week to ‘cure’.

Currently we are taking custom orders on a monthly basis; at the end of each month we will run all orders submitted that month and and prepare them - usually they would be ready within about 2-3 weeks after this. If you need something outside of this cycle, we can do it for an extra charge.

Note that our prints are designed in a way that look best with dark ink on a lighter shirt - so we offer mostly lighter coloured shirts. We can print in a range of ink colours.

Our mugs and glassware can also be custom made (to some extent) - but again, there is a bit of lead time to producing a custom item.

How do you make a custom order? That depends on what you are after!