A selection of our native wildlife designs feature on these gorgeous mugs and glassware.

yellow penguin mug


These mugs make the perfect gift for the wildlife lover in your life. Featuring collections of some of our most popular native animal prints, our mugs are beautifully produced by another local Dunedin business - What The Mug. These mugs contain a splash of colour on the handle and the inside of the mug, making them a fun addition to your crockery collection, or collect the whole set!

stick insect wine glass

Wine glasses

These wine glasses really are the ultimate gift for your wine and wildlife loving friends or whānau! Our designs have been beautifully laser etched onto these high quality glasses by the amazing John Swan Co. These glasses are big enough for even the keenest of wine-enthusiasts, and they have a nice weight behind them and feel lovely to hold while you’re savouring your glass of wine.

These truly are our favourite wine glasses, and bring us so much joy to drink out of!

NZ native frog beer handle glass

Munich beer handles

Not a wine drinker? Not a problem - we still have you covered, with these generously sized Munich beer handles! Once again, laser etched by John Swan Co - these hefty beer handles are perfect for the wildlife loving beer enthusiasts! A generous 500ml in volume - perfect for a beer on a sunny Dunedin afternoon (yes, we do get them!)!