We are a husband-wife team, living in Ōtepoti/Dunedin, New Zealand

Steph and Paddy at market stall
two very cute pet greyhounds

Doug (left) and Tracy (right)

We are a Dutch-Australian husband-wife team, who are lucky to call the beautiful city of Ōtepoti (Dunedin), in Te Wai Pounamu (South Island of New Zealand) our home.

Paddy was born in a small town in South Holland, moving to Perth when he was 6; while Steph was born and grew up in Adelaide, Australia. We met in Perth, where Steph was working at the time - and after having visited NZ together on holiday, we knew that it’s the kind of place we’d love to live. So when a job opportunity came up in Dunedin - we took the plunge, and the rest is history!

Steph is an ecologist by day - and has been lucky enough to work on some amazing animals, including tuatara and many different lizard species. Paddy shares this passion for wildlife, having traveled to all the corners of the world (including Antarctica!) to see some amazing animals. By day, Paddy has a ‘real job’ - but at night, he does his own research on the population of stick insects that live around our house, and is constantly contributing to iNaturalist as a citizen scientist.

Our business has very slowly evolved over many many years, starting with making our own wedding invitations using a block print and gifting hand-printed tea-towels to our wedding guests, and then eventually making cute onesies for our friends’ babies.

We are lucky to be ‘fur parents’ to two beautiful retired greyhounds - Doug and Tracy. Contrary to what most would think, they are actually the most chilled out pets - and spend most of the day sleeping. They make perfect print-shop companions!

When we’re not working (either at our jobs, or at Steph & Paddy prints!) or out and about searching for critters - we love playing board games - we have quite an impressive collection!