We have a shared passion for nature & wildlife, which forms the inspiration for our prints

otago ground wētā on a leaf

An Otago ground wētā (Hemiandrus maia) in our backyard.

The natural world around us is filled with incredible animals - big and small - and we are inspired by just about all of them. Living in Aotearoa (New Zealand) - we are especially lucky to have some truly unique animals that don’t occur anywhere else in the world.

Ōtepoti (Dunedin) is known as the ‘Wildlife Capital of New Zealand’ - we have albatross breeding down the road, penguins landing on our beaches, sea lions surprising you in the sand dunes… the list goes on! So we have an endless supply of inspiration just on our doorstep!

Paddy is an avid wildlife photographer - and has his camera handy just about everywhere we go. He uploads his photos onto iNaturalist - where experts from around New Zealand help identify the critters we see. He started this obsession during the 2020 lockdown, and it continues today!