We print our nature inspired designs on a range of gorgeous products.

We love creating beautiful items with our designs. Most of our products are individually hand-printed by us, here in Ōtepoti (Dunedin). Some of our items are even sewed by us (e.g. bags, masks). A small number of our items that can’t be hand-printed (e.g. mugs and wine glasses), are produced locally where possible (in most cases, also here in Ōtepoti!).

Our products make wonderful and unique gifts for your wildlife loving friends, whānau or yourself!

Browse the items we have on offer below.

kereru baby bodysuit

Baby clothing & accessories

huhu beetle green face mask

Face masks

penguin framed print

Framed prints

native new zealand NZ bird bunting green

Home decor

kaka toddler t-shirt

Toddler & kids clothes

herpetofauna foldable shopping bag


native new zealand bird cards


range t-shirt colours for adults

Custom orders

stick insect adult t-shirt

Adult clothing

penguin mug yellow

Mugs and glasses

christmas penguin t-shirt

Our Christmas range