Our designs are inspired by the natural world around us.

 Our designs are based on the amazing wildlife we share our world with. Living in Ōtepoti (Dunedin) - which is known as the ‘Wildlife Capital of New Zealand’ - means we have a constant source of inspiration right on our doorstep (sometimes, quite literally!).

While we love the beautiful and unique birds that New Zealand is so well known for (and we certainly have prints of these), we also have a soft spot for the less well-known creatures that people don’t often see or notice. Many of our designs are based on animals we’ve encountered in our neighbourhood (including many found in our own backyard!) - but we also get some inspiration from creatures we find on our holidays and travels.

Being Australian means that we also have a fondness for Australian native animals too - and we have a few designs of some of our favourite animals from Australia too!

tokoeka / kiwi

New Zealand native wildlife


Australian wildlife

hummingbird hawk moth

Other animals