S&P’s wildlife spotlight: stick insect (Niveaphasma annulata)
S&P's wildlife spotlight Paddy Kemner S&P's wildlife spotlight Paddy Kemner

S&P’s wildlife spotlight: stick insect (Niveaphasma annulata)

We’ve always been fascinated by these amazing insects - that really do so convincingly resemble sticks! But, since moving to our new home in 2020 - where there happens to be a healthy population of a particular species (Niveaphasma annulata) - our interest in them has grown even more! Niveaphasma annulata is a relatively common species of stick insect in the southern half of the south island of New Zealand. While Niveaphasma is the smaller of the stick insect species in NZ, they…

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S&P’s wildlife spotlight: pīwakawaka
S&P's wildlife spotlight, pīwakawaka Paddy Kemner S&P's wildlife spotlight, pīwakawaka Paddy Kemner

S&P’s wildlife spotlight: pīwakawaka

Pīwakawaka (NZ fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa) are friendly little birds that can sometimes be seen flittering between the branches as they search for insects; but are more often heard before they are seen with their very characteristic call (I can’t even put it into words, but it involves lots of chirping!). My fondest memories of these birds are from when…

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Our top-10 favourite nature-themed board games
Paddy Kemner Paddy Kemner

Our top-10 favourite nature-themed board games

For those of you that follow us on our Instagram page - you’ll know we often post about the board games we play in our stories - and unsurprisingly - a lot of our favourite board games are nature-themed! So, especially as we’re now well into the winter months when indoor activities are on the cards more often - we thought - why not make a list of our top ten favourite nature themed board games!

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